Evig Grønn har utarbeidet statistikk over for utbredelse av kjøretøy, infrastruktur og insentiver på el, hydrogen og biogass i landene i den nordre Scandria-korridoren; Norge, Sverige, Danmark, Finland og Tyskland.
Statistikken viser utbredelsen av personbiler, varebiler, lastebiler og busser i landene. Det er også laget oversikt over tilgjengelig infrastruktur og insentiver. Alle data er per 31.12.2020.
Nedenfor kan du laste ned pdf-presentasjoner av disse. I tillegg kan du laste ned et 2-siders faktaark med noen hovedbudskap fra Scandria Alliance basert på kartleggingen. Hovedbudskapene er:
2 Improved Infrastructure for these market-segments needs to stimulate the development.
3 BEVs per public fast charging point is growing fast in some countries. Charging infrastructure must be deployed so it will not become a barrier for further deployment of vehicles for all types of users.
4 LBG/LNG infrastructure is increasing. For a transitional period, public procurement and policies should stimulate the use of LBG/LNG
5 It is possible to speed up the transition towards clean fuel deployment in passenger cars and heavy-duty vehicles with the use of comprehensive incentives for purchase and deployment – as demonstrated by some Scandria®Corridor countries. Though the deployment of electric, plug-in hybrid, hydrogen and biogas vehicles is increasing, it is still a long way to go. In connection to the climate crisis, incentives and legal framework must be tightened in order to achieve set goals.